Standard Academic Tutoring
Helping your students perform their best in school - one session at a time.
Does this picture look familiar? We can help!
Are you stuck googling how to help your student do their homework or study for a test? You don’t have to!
Our services are incredibly convenient. With your choice of a session online, in-home, or at a mutual third-party location, private tutoring has never been more seamless.
There’s no need to get frustrated with homework at the dinner table! Let us do the work!
Stacking Up: FFT Academic Tutoring By The Numbers
Our average student will increase his/her grade by 10% within the first month of tutoring.
90% of our students finished 2021-2022 School year with A/B Honor Roll
Every graduating senior in class of 2022 had a GPA that qualified them for a Bright Futures Scholarship
We hire a new tutor for every 10 students on our active roster to ensure your student gets the individual attention they deserve!
Your Student Could Be Next! Click The Link Below For Your First Session Free!